Reg. No.-835 | Establishment Year-1960

What We Do...

We are honored by patron ship of honorable his Excellency Governor of Madhya Pradesh..


Helen Keller Education Academy for the Blind:
The Visually Challenged are being educated in a Special School Set up at Helen Keller school, Prakash Nagar, Navlakha Indore, supported by State Govt. and Public Support from last four decades with limited resources. Academy is functioning in its own building extending educational facilities to approximately hundred Children with Visual Impairment from standard 1st to high school level with Computer education, sports and music. Academy is providing education lodging and boarding facility free of charge to all beneficiaries. The academy has variety of joint activities with public schools of Indore such as yoga, Sports and cultural activities etc.

Vocational Training

Organization is having vocational training center at Kila Maidan, Indore campus. Youths with Visual impairment are getting training in variety of trades. The trainees are being provided lodging and boarding facilities free of charge at this center. Vocational Training center at MPWAB is in a process of Renovation. It is being upgraded with a new vision, keeping in the mind the changing scenario of employment training. Organization is providing education and placement services to appx. 65 visually challenged youths.

Information Technology for Braille Literacy in Indian Languages

Training Center:- M.P. Welfare Association for Blind, Indore is running a training center for Information Technology for Braille Literacy in India. This center is providing continues training to visually challenged youths since 2002. The center is fulfilling the needs of literature for training purpose. As well as providing necessary notes and Documents to the student of the training center. Thereby the center is facilitating more than 200 Visually Challenged youths


This is unique and only Programme of its kind being run by the Voluntary Organization for visually Challenged youths are on roll of this unit for Employment and self employment from all districts of the State since 1982. This unit has a credit of placing more than 1500 visually challenged in various Govt. and Public sector undertakings, private industries and Self Employment ventures. There is ample scope for development in the services of this unit. Full participation and equal opportunity for persons with disability Act. 1995, also provides special recognition to employer for giving employment to disabled persons. This unit is now developing financial linkages with Banks for loans for establishing the self employment of V.C & developing relations with other cooperates for on the job training etc.

Education for Adult

Adult who have completed their metric level education are provided lodging and boarding facilities as well as resource teachers to continue their education in Inclusive setup from class 11th to onwards.


Braille Equipment Bank


Organization believes in equal opportunity and human rights to every individual – regardless of his or her disability – must include equitable access to educational and training opportunities. Unfortunately, governments in many areas have lack of policies to support these services for Visually Impaired.
Organization helps to build awareness among educators, administrators, government officials, communities, and families on the importance of educating children with Visually Impaired and on ways to empower children and integrate them fully into society.

Everything is possible with your support.

Your support will pay for the Children with Visually Impaired for education, training and developing technology.
in infrastructure that will give the children a fighting chance to reach their full potential
You can donate us for the following activities.

Donate Now

How we help

Free Food

We accept raw food material like Dal, Rice, Atta, Ghee, Ground nuts, Dry Coconuts, Edible Oil, Spices and any other items useful for cooking.

Free Medical Care

We require medicines for these patients. We request all doctors and all people to donate unused medicines to us so that these may be distributed to needy patients free of cost. Your noble gesture will help in reducing suffering of some poor patient.

Free Rehabilitation and Placement

Free Education

At the primary school, apart from a general education, the students are taught Sinhala Braille and Standard English Braille.

Free Hostel Facilities

You can contribute to the construction or maintenance of buildings.